Deep Blue

The diving collection Deep Blue has been created for all the underwater world enthusiasts who find their inner peace in the sea depths and for all those connected by the love for the sea. Each and every dive is special and unique, it is like a trip to the land of mysteries, as one can never be sure what awaits below the surface: maybe a beautiful shell or a gentle colorful whelk, on a lucky day a John Dory or an octopus peeking out of its den. Who knows, perhaps there will be a seahorse performing its mating dance, an amazing gorgonia shining in all its colours, a mysterious shipwreck, a hungry European conger or a magnificent shark. After all, one can always simply float in these depths enjoying their glorious silence.
Photos of the underwater world are a property of Goran Butajla. He's one of the best underwater photographers; manages the magazine Scubalife; runs the diving center in Lastovo, one of the most beautiful and breathtaking island of Dalmatia.